Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer Bucket List Linky

I'm linking up with Miss Kindergarten, A Cupcake for the Teacher and A Modern Teacher for the Summer Bucket List Linky!

My list is short and sweet: (When I initially wrote that sentence I really believed that to be true... but the list keeps growing!)

Be a fantabulous Maid of Honor for my sister!! She is getting married at the end of July and I want everything to be be perfect!

Ok so what you are looking at below is my wedding day... is that an attractive picture of me? Um, no... but that isn't the point... I chose this picture because you see my sister (on the left) in the trenches of MOH duties. My mom is hidden behind me and one of my best friends is on the right in red.... none of them dressed even though the ceremony is going to start in five minutes! They're just helping me.  Everyone took such good care of me that day... and that whole time period leading up to the wedding.... I want it to be the same for my sis. (She'll kill me for posting the pre-wedding sweats and a strapless shirt look that she is rocking in this picture)
So..... just to be fair... Here she is looking beautiful... I can't wait for her wedding this summer!

TRAVEL (that is always on any list I make!) My husband and I are hoping to visit some of his family in Ireland and England, plus hit up another wedding in England.  That's not all... we are thinking of adding another continent to our plans... but where? Although I am pretty sure I need to also add "Win the lottery!" to this list with all those plans. Oh...I almost forgot...last summer I went to the I Teach K conference in Vegas  {AMAZING!} ... and should I be stateside... I want to go!

It has come to my attention... partially this very evening, that I need to do something about the mess of all of my pictures! So for that reason I am feeling forced to add "Organize Photos" to my                     bucket list. Yuck :(

With all the spare time I am going to have (wink, wink)  I want to work on my blog and finish the 8 million lessons that are currently a work in progress.

And lastly.... I just want to relax.
That's me in Maine in 2011 and for some reason it is the epitome of relaxation to me and so I look at it often.

Holy moly! Summer 2013... Am I ready for you? "Luckily" I have another month of school...plenty of time to prepare, right?


  1. I love the color of your bridesmaids' dresses! Also, I am super jealous that you might have the chance to go abroad this summer...the farthest we are going to make it is North Carolina!

    Have a great end to your school year!


  2. I was a maid of honor last year and it was a lot of work! Whew! Good luck! :)

    Primary Buzz
