Monday, August 12, 2013

Kicking Off Teacher Week With Ten Things About Me!

Well hello! It is Teacher Week 2013....

This is a week long extrravaganza people... check out the schedule:

Then head on over to Blog Hoppin so you can link up and/or read some fun stuff and great ideas from so many wonderful bloggers.

Today is...

Number 1 I'm coming to you live from Europe....Yep, that means I am in complete denial that school starts on September 4th. I mean seriously everyone else is in their classroom already...some actually teaching with students...and me, I am just not thinking about it yet.

Number 2:
I have the BEST husband in the world and last Wednesday was our 4 year anniversary {a main reason for the timing of this late summer adventure}... and I am proud to say we spent it in Aix-en-Provence, France which is where our wedding took place in 2009. It was our first time back there since then...
Okay I know... enough is enough... but let me just share one more with one of my most favorite stories. And let this be your warning should you choose to get married in France {although I highly recommend it} If you look at the picture below you can see me looking at my hubby and I am saying... "Did you know anything about this?" I mean, he is the one who speaks French... but no, he had no idea. Neither of us knew our cake would be brought out on a stretcher {yes, like a full sized one you would see paramedics holding...but we had two guys in full chef outfits including the very tall white hats}....neither of us knew about the fireworks or the sparklers... Here, you can see the sparklers...but there were fireworks, too. What?!?!  I would never have chosen that had anyone asked me, but no one did. And now it is just one of my favorite memories... I could share other adventures had while planning a wedding from California when you don't speak French and your fiancĂ© is in Europe, but not France ...but it was perfect.

Number 3:
I DID know my cake would be brown. A. I love chocolate and I'm not ashamed of it. B. There was enough white everywhere else and C. The wedding colors were brown and pink. However, I had no idea about that flower on top nor how it would look.

Number 4: 
I'm obsessed with traveling...hence #1 and #2 above... but I LOVE it. I spent a year teaching abroad and it was the BEST thing I ever did. I wrote a post about that {here} I am considering starting a traveling blog too.... stay tuned.

Number 5:
I love to eat soup! Random...yes, but today we arrived in Florence and I am on the look out for some good soup despite it being 90 degrees and cooling to 80 in the evening.

Number 6:
I play {or maybe "played" would be the more appropriate verb tense} the alto sax!

Number 7:
I work well under pressure.... I procrastinate like nobody's business.... and so when I arrive in the states in two weeks I will start the chaos of getting my classroom ready! And I will be ready for those 29 cute faces on September 4!

Number 8:
I love blogging! I mean....I'm in Europe, but I find me a little wi fi and still have to get my blog on!

Number 9:
I am about to start my 15th year of teaching. Hmm, how can that be... I must have been 10 when I started... Ahh, time flies, but in that time I have taught Kinder, 1st, 4th and 5th...and I will say, my favorites are K and 5th...the youngest and the oldest on our campus! Most people are shocked that the same teacher can have a love for those two... but I do. For now though I am thrilled to stay in kindergarten and am open to trying 2nd or 3rd which somehow just have never crossed my path.

Number 10:
I am goofy, silly and love to laugh...and am okay with people laughing at me. So here ya go.... this is me yesterday... you know with my very original idea of holding up the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Only me and about other 800 people there thought of this...and I am sure we were the first tourists ever to do this, right?

Thanks for stopping by! Ciao! Adios! Au revoir! I'm hoping to be part of this fun filled teacher week more than just today, we'll see which days I can participate in from over here... but just know if I'm not posting, I'm sippin a caffe latte and reading everyone else's....and just FYI don't think I didn't order a "latte" yesterday and get a milk...because  I did...oops, no abbreviating that one here in Italy!


  1. Just the way a holiday is meant to be. Relaxing and stopping you from doing work. You will be ready for the Little Learners but best of all you will be relaxed. perfect!
    JUlie :)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. First off, your blog design is absolutely gorgeous! I love the colours. Second, your wedding photos are beautiful. I'm super excited to be following your blog! Enjoy your time in Europe. I've only been to Italy (where I spent a month doing a music retreat - on piano though, not alto ;) - It was amazing and I'm dying to go back!
    All the best,
    The Imaginary Classroom

  3. I am so jealous that you are in Europe! My husband and I were married in Venice and hope to go back VERY soon! Thanks for linking up! :)


  4. How lucky are you! I would so love to be out of the country right now too!

    For the Love of First Grade

  5. I am SO jealous that you're in Florence!! I love everything about Italy. My husband and I are moving to Spain in September and are so excited to experience a new adventure. I LOVED reading your post about teaching abroad. It made me even more excited!! Thank you so much for sharing!

    XO, Kelly Anne
