Thursday, August 29, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Teaching Abroad {Edition Six}

I have been sharing stories, memories and embarrassing stories of my time as a little American teacher abroad.

I have to say, it has been fun for me to re-read and remember this time in my life. I want to do it again and I would be honored to be part of the Fulbright Program, if they were to accept me for a second run through.

 Today's edition is from November 2004... I hope you enjoy:

I can't believe it is only Wednesday! This has been the longest week. A tip to fellow teachers: don't go to Amsterdam the weekend before parent conference week!

Let's discuss Amsterdam- actually the place left me quite speechless. I visited the Van Gogh museum...

 ...and the Anne Frank House which is amazing and adds to my whole speechless thing. I've known her story, but it makes it "real" to be IN her house and honestly leaves me speechless.

The most jaw dropping part was the visit to the Red Light District…Everyone said you have to go check it out! Again... speechless. 

Also speechless is the beauty of this city. Ignore the funny looking American in her matching hat and scarf (I'm rethinking that choice) and look at how beautiful it is:

The best thing about Amsterdam is the giant fruit filled pancakes you can get everywhere- me, I had that twice in a 2 day visit! I was thrilled that on the table there was an entire powdered sugar dispenser at my disposal- that alone is enough to make me return!

At home I collect the "Love Is" from the comic section of the newspaper. Not sure if the comic section is the best fit for it, but that is where it is. My Nana cuts them out for me on days they said things she thinks my future husband should do, such as these:
They aren't all geared to be things the guy has to do for the girl... but those are the ones my Nana likes.

Anyway, in Amsterdam I bought a small ceramic bowl. The lady wrapped it in newspaper for me. I opened it up when I got back to Hereford and as I am about to throw the wrapping away I notice a Love is. I'd recognize those cute little characters anywhere! I have no idea what it says, but what are the chances of that? 

Before I go, a quick S#1 update: You know, the rubber thrower. Well, his mother was getting married this past weekend and he says to me on Friday, "I really wanted you to come with me to the wedding this weekend, but my mom said no because I will be busy being the ring bearer." 

I am thinking, is this really coming from S#1...really?

Then he goes on to tell me that on Monday he will bring a piece of the wedding cake. His mother later confirmed this story, saying he was very upset I couldn't come and the only bargain she could make with him included bringing me cake.  So, sure enough on Monday I was handed another fattening treat, which I didn't eat for a plethora of reasons... but why do so many people give me cake here? (This being said after I just confessed to two apple fruit pancakes in Amsterdam...oops!) 

But I need the cake to stop, so I had thought, if I am lucky he will just throw it at me. OK that was mean, especially because the whole story is a bit heart warming and makes me smile to see this side of him.

Good night – you know I miss you! If for any reason you would like to be removed from this subscription
just alert me, and you will promptly be deleted.

Jumping back to the present of 2013... Don't forget I have a giveaway for a $25 gift certificate going on until Saturday.... click {here] to enter!


  1. I would love to go to Anne Frank's house! It must be such an amazing feeling to be there. Thanks for another post about your time teaching overseas - I love reading all about your adventures. :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

  2. I remember how BIG the Love is... cartoons were in the 70's. can't believe they are still going strong. I think I had a white thirty with one on the front and purple on the arm ribbing. Now that's something I haven't thought about in years...wish I could recall what it said.
    Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage
