Sunday, December 1, 2013

Deck the Halls with TpT Linky Party!!

The BIG Teachers Pay Teachers sale is almost here!

I love when this happens.... when all those wish list items get moved on over to the cart! I am ready to get my shop on!!

In fact.... I already have been shopping.... just waiting for tomorrow when the sale starts.

Today I am linking up with Christina at Bunting, Books and Bainbridge for a little linky called "Deck the Halls with TpT!"
I've already mentioned my love for sales...and now let me tell you I have a love for Christmas Carols so I love the music theme of this little linky!
So are you ready to Deck the Halls? Let's see what our Christmas playlist will include....

I've got three items to "play" for you today:

Track #1 is Five Little Elves.

This is an original little poem written by Yours Truly :) My big focus here is retelling {RL.K.2 / RL.1.2}, rhyming words{RF.K.2a} and of course, the ever popular...reading {RF.K.4 /  RF.1.4}.
 Here's a close up of one of the pages for you...
And of course there is a student fact there are two versions of that... or the whole poem/story on one page. The preview may help you a bit:

Track #2 is a Holiday Theme Number Writing Packet.

My little friends and I need some help with our numbers. This writing pack works great for me. I like having them write the numbers and the number word. I also like having them use a ten frame to build the number and last, but not least there is a little number search action.

Another feature is that the students will write the number once on their own and then trace, on their own, then trace... etc.... over and over {although looking at the picture below it is a bit hard to tell...sorry about that!}

I find this is much more useful than tracing one time and then having them write the number on their own from that point forward.


Well, first of all, they usually only refer back to the numeral they just wrote... which as you can imagine, means that the quality gets worse and worse over time if they are on their own for almost the entire time. Don't set them up for that...that is why I like the trace then write, then trace AGAIN plan!

Moving on....  Track #3

Switching is a non-holiday item that I actually use through out the school year. It is my "Get it Write" Set. This is 101 pages of everything you need for a writing center.

When I student taught a very long time ago my master teacher had an entire bulletin board with writing tips on it. This unit was inspired from that. My master teacher would put up one page from the Sunday newspaper each week too and the kids could come over to the board and highlight a particular sight word or other little thing that she asked them to do.

I don't do that, but really my only reason is because I don't get the paper.... maybe I should, because the kiddos loved that.

But this little set will give your little ones a lot of information to keep them writing.

If you are still reading....why thank you... you know... I also have some FREEBIES in my TpT store that are FREE during the sale... and after! That is my little thank you to YOU!

Thank you to Christina at Bunting, Books and Bainbridge for hosting this Christmas Carols Soundtrack of Holiday Fun!

And I leave you with some REAL Christmas songs {From my favorite holiday movie!}

And now.... Keep calm and shop on!! My TpT store will be 20% off on Monday and Tuesday and don't forget to add the code CYBER at checkout for even more of a discount!!


  1. Great post my friend. I love the end . . . that video made my day :)

  2. Love! I watched Elf favorite holiday movie also!

    Teaching in the Tongass
