Sunday, December 15, 2013

Easy Triangle Santa Craft!

Today I want to show you how to make this fun Triangle Santa! It is an easy craft that pairs well with a letter to Santa or on the front of a card your little ones make for their parents {well, a BIG card that is!}

Here are the Santas with letters:

I actually shared some of these pictures on my blog last December, but didn't tell you how!

Here is a picture of everything you will need:
{not shown: the red square for the nose, black marker or crayon to draw mouth and a cotton ball to glue at the top of Santa's hat}

I precut that large, white, isosceles triangle - it has 2 sides at 10 inches and the bottom is just under 9 inches. There is template you can download HERE - the only issue is that the downloaded file is 8 1/2x11 size and I make the triangle on 9x12 construction paper so the bottom is cut off a bit. But I know you can make it work. The smaller triangle is for the red hat. 

Oh....and sorry, it isn't a very glamourous template... but it gets the job done.

4in x 3.5 inches for the red piece {again, you can download the template HERE} Or once you have made your own large white triangle chop one off at the top where you would want the hat to come to and use that to trace.

7in x 1.5in for the tan piece

2in x 1in black piece for the eyes {fold in half and have the kids round the edges

1.5 in x 1.5 in red square for the nose {round the corners to make a circle}

{note: sometimes I don't cut a small red square and instead have them use some of the scraps from the red hat to create the nose on their own}

3 6in x 6in white squares - students trace their hand on each one of these to create the beard.

That is all my friends!

And if you are wondering why I haven't posted anything in the last 5 days... well, I was in the midst of report card chaos! Yuck!! But they are done now... cue the angels to sing!

So when I finished all 29 cards earlier this afternoon the first thing I did was go for a walk on my beautiful beach. It was like I hadn't been outside forever....
Yes, I'm maybe exaggerating a bit, but I am just so happy to have those things finished....until March.

And now... 5 more days of teaching in 2013! We can do it!! 


  1. Your wall display looks fantastic. I will file this idea for next year as we have finished already. Thank you.
    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

  2. Your triangle Santas are precious all lined up! Thank you for sharing! I'm pinning! :)
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'
