Friday, January 17, 2014

Five for Friday Time!

Finally Friday... Even sweeter that we are off on Monday... Thank you to Doodle Bugs Teaching for this fun linky!

What do I got to share with you?

Well.... not to sound like a broken record, but it's still hot around here. As in HOT, HOT {see those capital letters emphasizing the amount of heat!}. And as someone who LOVES "the hot" as I call it...... well, I am a little bewildered by the fact that it is January. I think we need a cool down.

Anyway.... on with the five.... just like the post office... I deliver posts to you regardless of the weather.

1. Snowman Pattern Block Freebie. I shared this on Wednesday, but it's always good to kick off your Five for Friday with a treat for YOU!

2.  You know those handy dandy pencil sharpeners from Classroom Friendly Supplies that everyone raves about?  This one....
Well, all the talk is true and you can get one for FREE... sorry, but you need to have a US mailing address...
a Rafflecopter giveaway  or click here to read more about this giveaway.

3.  Do you use Heidi Songs in your class? If not... you need to start! I love all her sight words songs and the seasonal ones on the Language Arts CD. This week we sang the song, "Let's Build a Snowman."

What makes this project a bit more interesting is that they are working in cooperative groups over the course of the week to create one book as a group of four. I love this because it is less prep... but mainly because they have to learn to work together as a team....sounds so "common core-y" doesn't it?

I assign a group leader as well as a supply manager... these jobs change each day so each group member will have gotten the chance to be one or both.

It is so interesting to see who can and can not handle this. One of the rules is that only the supply manager can approach me and that is only if it is about a supply item they need. And of course we have the chat that anyone can approach me for an emergency.... and you know what... I see some of them wanting to come tattle about something.... because it is hard for them to let go... hard to create one end product with your peers.

Here is two pages of the finished product:

And note to self.... Work on your snowflake cutting lesson. I guess had never thought about it nor taught it... and well, they really are new with this one and I feel like I need to try and teach the "steps to making a snowflake" a little better next time. And this part was done as a lesson as opposed to in the group format mentioned above.

Slapped a cover on each of the seven books:
And now each of them get to take it home and share it with their families. I include a note making sure the parents know to return it to class the next day and I share THIS LINK where they can listen to the song at home!

4. I discovered my new favorite scissor!!

Can I use "scissor" in a singular way like I just did? I don't know... but I like the sound of it.

These Titanium things are ahhh-mazing! And I'm a lefty so I can picky with my scissor selection. They come in fun bright colors too! I have green and purple.

5. Last up is my most random item to make the Five for Friday...... I have had a complete shampoo frenzy this week.

Like out of control!

There is a sale at Ulta. I love Ulta... it's a new obsession and that's just it... I'm obsessed.

So the giant shampoo and conditioners are on sale for $12.99 or $15.99 add the Ulta coupon in the mix and that equals shampoo that is comparable to Kirkland or Pantene in price.

Sidenote: You can the $3 pump top thing for free too.....

So I've gone  a little overboard.
And yes, I make my hubby come with me so I buy the shampoo and he gets the conditioner each with our own  coupon because I want my $5 or $3.50 off each and every bottle...... and I'm not usually "Miss Coupon Clipper" at all... but it's one way I feel less guilty about the quantity of hair cleaning things I am buying.

And yes we are going back for one more set. Oh and... they got me with the AG which was actually $19.99 {regular $54...which is a problem} but $19 was almost a problem. And I will be honest when I saw it was regularly so much I thought...let's try that one!

Do you see that I am still rambling about shampoo?

I don't know what it is, but so far it seems 2014 is the year of nice shampoo for me! What is wrong with me?!

Now go enjoy that weekend...all three days! But don't forget to say Happy Birthday to this guy:


  1. I love that you drag your husband to Ulta - I would do the same thing to JB! I may need to check it out tomorrow! Those MLK's are too cute! Have a great weekend!

    Lucky to Be in First

  2. I have those scissors. They are great for us lefties.

  3. LOVE those scissors too! I got a 3-pack at Costco! And I'm with ya on the shampoo! I haven't tried ULTA...I'm lucky my mom's a hairdresser and gets me my shampoo! My fave is the "It's a 10" brand. :) Have a happy 3-day weekend my friend!!


  4. I have a shampoo problem too... and I have recently become an ULTA fan... so now this shampoo deal is going to drive me nutz until I get to ULTA and now I need to wait for hubs to get home so I can drag him out too!!! he will be sooooo happy!!! LOL and now I have to find those scissors too!!!

  5. Fun post. Love the Let's build a Snowman cooperative group book activity. You're a brave teacher. I love good teacher supplies like scissors, special pens/markers, and glitter. It's a teacher thing... I need to care more about my shampoo. I buy the cheap stuff and it shows. :)
