Friday, May 17, 2013

Five for Friday

Hello! It is Friday again....Woot! Woot!!

I love linking up with Doodlebugs for the Five for Friday Linky!

1. We have 3 little chicks in my class! Just TODAY two of them hatched during the school day! My little ones loved getting to watch them peck out of their shell. I will say we didn't accomplish nearly as much as we thought we would today because it was just too exciting.

Sidenote: There are so many more eggs! I brought these guys home with me, but I'll be checking that incubator Saturday and Sunday!

2. We have been in a farm frenzy from those cute little chicks above to making posters about the various seasons on the farm.  I love this project because they work in groups. We complete these over about a three day period.  Each day I change up the jobs... I kept it simple this year with a group leader, supply manager and the communication director. Fancy name for the only person in the group who can approach me with a question.
Um, as much as I love the winter group's poster it is the least exciting since there is the least happening on the farm and yet I somehow don't have the other seasons available??

Each group has become experts on their season.  We've read Gail Gibbons book and they've learned the Season Songs from Heidi Butkus.

3. I have a Father's Day Unit up on Teachers Pay Teachers. We can't forget those dads!

 Here is one page one of my little ones did yesterday:

P.S. It is only $2.00 right now {Click Here} . I plan to add all the same pages in it now with a "grandpa" version and when I do it will be $3.00 but if you buy it now, you will be able to download it with grandpa pages too in the next week!

4. Staff Bulletin Board is up! Do you have staff bulletins at your school? We take turns as grade levels to do one of the boards in the lounge. This month kindergarten did a "Summer Bucket List" which another teacher found on Pinterest.

Here's the board:
Here is the kindergarten bucket with the most out of focus message ever (oops!) I was the first to stick my summer bucket list on there and it says "to get on an airplane at least three times!" (I purposely chose an odd number because maybe I will end up staying somewhere else?!)

Here is the note we gave to all the teachers:

5. I was spoiled by my class this week. We celebrated Teacher Appreciation this week (due to testing the previous week) and check out this huge, fabulous poster they made me! I told the kids..."How did you know that is exactly how my hair looks when I become a mermaid!" Hmm... I may have confused a few!

Have a "Fin-tastic" weekend


  1. Stopping on by from Five for Friday! Cute Father's Day idea, when do you generally send them home?

    You're So Sharp!

    1. Hi Kelly,
      I send home the Father's Day gifts as close to Father's Day as possible depending on when we get out that year. One year I sent them super early when we sent home Mother's Day stuff since I had a kiddo that year without a mom and so at least she was able to give her Dad something at the same time. So it changes! I just like to do something for the dads and not leave them out due to summer. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. My class is visiting a farm next week. The kids are sooooo excited!! They would have LOVED to see baby chicks hatching! What a fun experience for your students!

    abcs and polkadots

  3. We have a farm at our school. The kids love taking care of the animals. It is so wonderful your students got the experience of watching the chicks hatch! Love your bucket list bulletin board too! Cute idea. I am happy to be your newest follower. Your blog is adorable.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  4. We did a chick unit, no hatching chicks though. It must be so fun!!

    For the Love of First Grade

  5. I love your summer bucket list bulletin board for the staff lounge. Very cute idea. I'm one of your newest followers.


  6. I just found your beautiful blog! I really love your TPT products too- Laura
