Friday, June 14, 2013

Five For Friday - June Fourteenth

Let me start off by saying.... I am still NOT on summer break. Yes, it's true! But only 3 more days! I can make it, right? Hope so!

I love linking up with Doodlebugs Teaching for the Five for Friday because I am queen of random {or crazy} things happening in my life. So here is what I have for this week:

We did a play...TODAY! Oh yes, some of you are sleeping in and sipping on lattes and I was in the hectic, but fun chaos, of a kindergarten production. We are doing "The Little Red Hen" and no thanks to the director (me) it was GREAT...mainly to the level of "adorable-ness" of the cast. It was hard to take any pics during the real deal, but here are some from our dress rehearsals:

 Above are my two leading ladies - The "Steal" Eyed Fox and The Little Red Hen
 The Little Red Hen with her baby chicks
The cows, pigs and cats are too lazy and don't help the hen. {I had four of each animal}

And my narrators......dressed as farmers!

My kiddos and I went on a field trip to Trader Joe's yesterday. We walk there and go on a full tour of the store. Love everything about it. The kids love going inside the freezer and getting to use the register. The staff was so good with the kids. If you don't have a Trader Joe's in your area I bet one will be coming soon and you need to check it out. Love that store.

We had a "Grandma Shower" for our principal who will be becoming a grandma for the first time this summer.

The teachers had the students create a book for the new grandma. We thought she could use a little advice from them. As I was typing mine up I laughed and laughed (I shared this on Instagram this week - so sorry for the repeat.... but it's just so funny)

I love the things they come up with! Too funny!

What my week should have included more of ...was working on these puppies....
Yeah, the report card time didn't feature in my week as much as it should have. So it will be a prominent part of my weekend. Cool. But all the detail we are required to enter makes me want to procrastinate even more and do other this post. Did I mention - I always wait until the last minute.

The fifth and final random thing this week is that I did ZERO exercise. Yep, not proud and Nope, I don't  have a picture of me sitting around not getting sweaty and losing calories.... but it's the sad truth. I have to get on that exercise wagon next week! I just keep telling myself... you're almost to summer! You can do it!

Have a great weekend!


  1. What a nice idea for the grandparents! I wish I were on your Trader Joe's field trip--none close by here... :0( Thanks for sharing your "random" items!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  2. I love the idea of a grandma's shower! A field trip to Trader Joe's would be a fun one too! I was the same way the last week of school with not exercising. You'll get back into it once things calm down.
    Fun in ECSE

  3. I love the Grandma shower! Hang in there:)

  4. I love Trader Joes! I'd probably like a field trip there as much as them!

  5. Hang in're almost there!!! Love the idea of a grandma shower, too cute and creative! Your field trip sounds like lots of fun. Love how out of the ordinary it is.

    For the Love of First Grade

  6. A field trip to Trader Joe's?! How fun! I LOVE Trader Joe's! :)

  7. Trader Joes - how fun! I never knew they did field trips! Your kiddos grandma advice is classic!

    Lucky to Be in First

  8. I love Trader Joes. I bet they had a wonderful time!

    Curious Firsties

  9. That's awesome you went on a field trip to Trader Joes. I'm always hearing about that place but have never been!

    Literacy Spark

  10. We are in school through next week, too, so I feel your pain. :) Love your blog- and my favorite may have been #5 because I am thinking I will be SO GOOD about exercising once next week is over! :) I'd love you to stop over and follow me if you get a chance!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  11. Our principal's daughter is also having a baby but not until fall. I love the Grandma shower idea!!! Cute!
