Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Good bye Google and Hello Bloglovin'

People you have T-minus 4 days to make the switch from Google Friend Connect to Bloglovin'.  I have been in denial about this for a while.....and now here I am with 4 days to go actually dealing with the issue at hand!

I just got this cute little Bloglovin button from Melissa at Common Core and So Much More. She has a great tutorial if you want to add this button to your own blog.

I don't exactly understand WHY Google Friend Connect is going away? But moving forward, it will be Bloglovin' and all those cute little boxes with all those smiles you see on the right of this blog will be gone!

I will say, I like the layout of Bloglovin {so far} you have a clear newsfeed and overall it is very user friendly.

You need to create a Bloglovin' account, which is very easy, and it will ask you if you want to import the blogs you follow on Google. Um, yes please!

If you already have a Bloglovin' account and didn't do that import {sidenote: it's also very easy} just CLICK HERE and you should come to a page that looks like this:

Then you just clock on "Import from Google Reader." It will ask you permission to access your data in Google Reader and next thing you know.... you are done!

If you want to find some more blogs to join - go to Tori's blog. She also has some detailed directions that can help you out.

Good luck... hope to see on Bloglovin'!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the use of your bloglovin' button! I love it!
