Saturday, June 29, 2013

July Currently

I'm linking up with Farly for the July Currently... a bit early. But seriously, how is it almost July?! Please summer...slow down!
Oh' boy fourth grade
So here we go:

Listening: I just love the Colbert Report. I like The Daily Show too...both so funny! Today is a Colbert marathon for me because I am way behind...not because I am not up at 11:30pm when it airs, because I am.... but I am on this computer doing who knows what?

Loving: The beach is amazing and I just love being close to it. For me, beach time equals more reading, a time to force me away from this computer I can be a slave to and all that vitamin D I get to soak up! Now to just get rid of this June gloom! {Oh yeah, it's July...problem solved....we hope!}

Thinking: I think I may just take myself on a mini field trip to Hobby Lobby....nothing in particular in mind... but I like to just go there and check it all out.... sometimes I leave with some inspiration.  Plus, I want to buy some chevron fabric for a few bulletin boards... and I have seen a few people share their Hobby Lobby finds on Instagram!

Wanting: OK so I am queen of procrastination and here I go again. As I said above, on my June Currently I wrote the same thing- I want some vacation plans... Ahhhh... it is so 100% typical me to be in the same boat 30 days later. Summer is flying by and I just haven't made a plan! I'm on daily...but the prices just aren't cooperating! So we will see what actually happens. Fingers crossed for a great deal.

Needing: I have only been out of school for a week now, and knowing about my procrastination issue, you are probably not surprised to hear that I have not started any of the summer projects I said I would do. First and foremost,  I want to organize files and books. For me, next year is the big switch to Common Core and so I want to re-categorize things since I anticipate next year being a big year of change.

Tips, Tricks or Hints: I don't want to sound like a broken record.... but just in case you haven't done anything about it yet... Google Friend Connect is leaving us and Bloglovin' is the way forward. I know people are worried about the included... but I was so happy to see I could easily import all the same peeps in about one quick minute. So if you haven't done it yet - you can check out my post about it {HERE} and make that shift.

And if you are feeling the love.... why not follow me too :)

Happy {almost} July!


  1. I had to bop by after seeing one of your comments on another blog. I haven't met another Christy who spells her name like me! It's always misspelled with a K, no h, or ie, or i at the end.

    Sorry for the random comment! I hope your enjoying your summer, and don't be too hard on yourself for not jumping right into projects. You need a little bit of a break too!

    Teaching Tales Along the Yellow Brick Road

  2. love your is soooo cute... thanks for linking up and go head off to hob lob and have fun!!!

  3. I've never been to Hobby Lobby-- there aren't any in Delaware! Not fair! But, I just found out that there's one near my boyfriend's house, and I'm making him go with me next week. I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about & probably spend waaayy too much money!

    Third Grade in the First State

  4. I feel like your Currently could also apply to me in some ways.. except in Florida! I am desperately needing a vacation! As a kid, I was a travel bug. As of late, I have not gone anywhere. It is getting to me. As for Hobby Lobby. Ugh. They see my entire pay check! Ha!

    I'm excited to be your new follower!
    Lil Bit Country In the Classroom

  5. I am right there with you on planning a vacation. Finding the time (my husband's schedule is crazy) and the right price is a challenge.
    Fun in ECSE
