Monday, July 1, 2013

Balanced Literacy - Reading {Part Two} The At Home Connection {Freebie!}

Yesterday I talked about reading in the classroom.... today, will be reading at home.  All that hard work we are doing in class needs to be reinforced and practiced at home.

I ask my parents to read with their child for twenty minutes per day. My principal shared this visual at a staff meeting last year.... she got it from Perry Lecompton Unified School District {I am not sure if this is the original source}...... It. Is. Fabulous.

Click {HERE} to go to the Perry Lecompton site. I also found that the High-Tech Teacher Blog has retyped the same visual I just shared and added a Spanish version too. Click {HERE} to download her English and Spanish PDF explaining WHY a child needs to read for twenty minutes per day.

The website Colorin Colorado has some great tip sheets for parents {click here} 

I have found {this link} by Mrs. Samuelson very useful. She shares the "Handy Reading Strategies" and I have no idea who created this ..was it Mrs. Samuelson? It is one of those little helpers I have seen everywhere online because it is so useful.  I retyped it and it is included in the freebie below.

One of the first times I meet the parents in my classroom for a formal meeting is Back to School Night. It is a parent only evening where each teacher explains all the basic information about our school and what to expect over the course of the school year. This is also where I give them my PLEASE READ every single day speech. I also hand this out- Click on either image to download your own copy.

Get this Freebie now! {The Handy Reading Strategies image is also available on a page with no other text}

I hope you can use these, too!
I'll be back soon to post about how writing fits into the Balanced Literacy equation.


  1. Thank you for these great parent tips- and the great visual about how important reading 20 minutes each day at home is for children! Your blog is wonderful!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  2. Thanks for sharing the parent tips. I try to send activities for the parents to do weekly and this will definitely be one going home this year!
    Fun in ECSE

  3. What a great post! I'm pinning it to make sure I remember all this. We can never do enough to encourage reading at home :)

    Carolina Teacher

  4. Thank you!! I can't wait to send it home.
