Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kindergarten Teachers Take Over Vegas!

I had so much fun at the I Teach K Conference earlier this week. The BEST part was putting voices to all the people I have met through blogging.

On night #1 my hubby and I went out to dinner with Hadar from Miss Kindergarten and Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher. And if you want to laugh you can read Kristin's break down of the whole evening {Kristin's link}. Here we are after eating dinner at a place literally called "A Hole in the Wall" which was suggested by a taxi driver.
That's me {in some weird lean over pose?}, Kristin and Hadar.

Day 2 included some pool time. We had a the Venetian. How fancy is that?
Top row: Melissa from Lesson Plan SOS, Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Hadar from Miss Kindergarten Bottom Row: Stephanie from Falling into First and me! {The photographer is Kelley from Teacher Idea Factory}

Sadly this is the only picture I have from that.... and let me be honest, when I say "we" had a cabana... what I really mean is that Kelley from Teacher Idea Factory, Stephanie from Falling into First and Melissa from Lesson Plan SOS were the cabana coordinators who graciously allowed me and Mr. Crayons and Whimsy to join them.

That night was the blogger meet up....again... wasn't too good about taking pictures {don't ask!} So I snagged a few of these from What the Teacher Wants. Rachelle and Natalie were the hostesses of this event and they did an ah-mazing job! Unlike me, Natalie was great about taking pictures so if you go to their Facebook page or blog you'll see a ton more...including Deanna Jump with Elvis! We were in Vegas so what did you expect?
Whoa there... that's a full house of bloggers and followers!

These are all the bloggers at the meet up! Holy cow that is a lot of fun in one place. Can you see me? It's ok... I can barely see me...but I am dead center under Deedee Wills and behind Hadar.

Here is me, Rachelle from What the Teacher Wants, Melissa from Lesson Plan SOS and Kelley from Teacher Idea Factory.  If you are wondering how did I get in a picture with all these ladies... the answer is, I'm not sure, but it was AWESOME to meet them!

Did I mention there were prizes. Oh yes, there were! And we had a HOT table because there were so many winners :)
 Here is me, Krisin and Hadar when we found out we won! 
Kristin and me!

Then a bunch of us went to dinner together and it was so fun to get to know everyone better.
Back row: me, Melissa from Lesson Plan SOS, Stephanie Falling into First, Kelley at Teacher Idea Factory, Tania from Journey of a Substitute Teacher
Bottom Row: Hadar from Miss Kindergarten and Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher

And last good byes... we have Kelley, Stephane and me... and apparently Michael Jackson made the shot too!

Next thing I knew people were off and it was done...what? I want more time with these awesome new friends! But, I got to hang out with this guy {who luckily hit off with Mr. Teeny Tiny and Mr. Kindergarten who he spent most of his time with so it was nice to have one night with him}
It was F.U.N.
Stop by What the Teacher Wants to hear about everyone else's trip.

I hope to be back there for the 2014 shenanigans! I hope you can make it there too!


  1. Thanks for posting about this awesome experience! You were so lucky to attend. I would love to be there in 2014... All the way from Australia!

    Julie :-)
    Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage

    1. I've also been thinking that a trip from Australia might be worth it to join in on the Vegas fun in 2014! :)

      Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    2. Lauren and Julie! You should come! I should find a good conference in Australia so I would have an excuse to go there. I've never been... but it is on my list!

      And it is HOT in Vegas in July... and I don't know about you, but I love going somewhere hot during my winters.

  2. Ummm... how flipping cute are you?!?!?!?! Next year we will spend much more time together!!!! You are just too sweet and I loved this post!!!! LOVED!!!!

    {What the Teacher Wants!}

    1. I'm looking forward to next year already! Thanks Rachelle!

  3. It was such a treating getting to hang out with you!! I can't wait to do it all again next year! I really need to come out to Cali to hang with all you cool kids. :)

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

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