Monday, September 2, 2013

September Currently

September!? What, really? STOP it! I just can't deal with summer being over. Aaahhh, so reluctantly I am acknowledging the existence of this new month by linking up with Farley!

LISTENING: Seriously it is so hot! So hot that one should be on the beach enjoying themselves. We are two blocks from the beach and so we usually have a nice breeze off the ocean... but right now it is H.O.T. It's as if Mother Nature is also feeling like summer should be a bit longer!

LOVING: Last week we got back from vacation to a broken refrigerator...I wasn't "loving" that!!! When you have been gone a full month and are tired and jet-lagged you aren't too happy about the idea of a new fridge. BUT now that it is here... I am in love! We got a Labor Day sale price... so I had to be happy with the timing of this whole thing because I have a french door, stainless steel beautiful appliance.

Another good thing...or bad depending on how you look at it.... there are no tempting treats in the freezer {yet} for me to eat... this thing is practically empty.

THINKING: Will I be ready? Can I get it all done? I always am a last minute type of girl and this year is no exception.  I will say, staying in Europe until last weekend was cutting it close, but I'd rather be a stress mess now and have had all the time we did over there.

 The kids come Tuesday for a meet and greet "Kindergarten Tea" {although there is no actual tea} and then the first day is I am off to my classroom now.

So my hubby asks, "Why do you change stuff around if you don't have enough time?" I understand his question, but don't we all do it? I didn't change it up too much this year, but every year needs a flare of NEW, right?

This year I am super excited for my new alphabet... are you not in love with this?  Thank you, Ladybug Teacher Files.
Today I will get the word wall up! And at some point maybe I need to write something in here:

This is my first year getting an Erin Condren teacher planner and I guess since it was a bit pricier than my other planners, I am nervous to write in it... let's not forget, I also haven't had time. But I know in my head, what I am doing Wednesday through Friday, but I just need to actually write it out. Quick Sidenote: I'm wondering if this needs to be my last year of a planner... as cute as it is...and I just need to go digital all the way with plans?

Moving on...

NEEDING: A name for my Fantasy Football team! Yikes! The draft is TONIGHT! Am I big football fan you may ask?, no! I was invited into this all girls league and I do like myself a bit of competition, but I have no idea what I have gotten myself into! Please SHARE ANY IDEAS - I need a name people!

WANTING: More time! More time to organize and prepare for the school year and more time to enjoy this great beach weather... it is hard to drive by the beach, with the sun blazing and not be able to stop.

1. Exercise is always a goal...sometimes I am good about it and sometimes I am not. I want to kick this school year off with exercise in my daily routine.

2. I want more friend time! My husband and I just spent Saturday night with two of my besties from college and it was so great! Last week I had a few lunch dates... and I need to do that more. Friends are important and sometimes when life gets busy it seems I only hear about them on Facebook... not OK!

3. Sleep! As I get older I realize that 5 hours a night ain't good for nobody!! In the middle of summer I was in another linky party about 10 Things I've Learned From Teaching and #8 was SLEEP! I need to take my own advice and aim for a few more hours per night!

Stop by Farley's blog to see other people's Currently!

Last thing... I want to congratulate Caitlin C. who is the winner of a $25 gift certificate in my last giveaway!! AND.... stay tuned... I will have another GIVEAWAY with a European theme coming at ya very soon!!


  1. I am doing a fantasy league too! Except there are like 3 girls and the rest guys! Last year I was one of the two girls and totally WON!! My team name was Pink Glitter Sparkles! I chose something so girly because I was playing all boys!!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  2. hey there! So I saw your comment on my blog - did you just get back from Europe like yesterday? Crazy! If you post anything about it, I'd love to hear about your trip!

    The other thing - the fancy planner - I'm not familiar with those! Do you have a link for them? I'm just curious! : )

    Happy September!
    BigTime Literacy

  3. I enjoyed reading your currently. Thanks for sharing.


    P.S.- Go ahead and write in that new planner - you've got to break it in sometime or another.
