Monday, October 28, 2013

My Truth Monday - Creepy Edition! {Flash FREEBIE!}

Last week was the first week of a 12 Part Series hosted by Denise at Sunny Days in Second Grade. The topic last week was about fitness... so isn't it convenient I missed that one?

But here we are on Week 2. With Halloween approaching this week has a CREEPY theme!

That sums it up for me. I don't watch scary movies. I can't stand sandwiches and please hit the mute button when a cold medicine themed commercial comes on.

But while we are talking about creepy... what's your thoughts on haunted houses...for me... NO! And apparently Andy from the Ellen Show agrees with me. This video is hilarious!!!

And because it is Monday.... and  I want to make it a bit better. I am doing a FLASH FREEBIE! My Pattern Block Animal Unit is FREE on Teachers Pay Teachers for the next hour.... ready, set, go!!

And stop by Sunny Days in Second Grade to read more about what creeps all us bloggers out!


  1. Cute Blog! Found you on the linky...seems we both don't like the "s" word :P
    The Blessed OCDiva

  2. Those green phlegm monsters gross me out too! But so does the word phlegm but I just had to use it with this link.

    Technically A Media Specialist

  3. I love Ellen! That video with Andy is hilarious and had me in tears
