Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Calendar {with the Numbers as a Freebie}

So we move the clocks back today. Although I don't love the idea of it getting dark earlier, I DO LOVE the idea of a little extra sleep.

Given the time change I thought this would be a good day to talk calendar:

Do you make a calendar each month with your kiddos? I do! I think it is a fun way to combine crafts with a little math action.

I ask the kiddos to hang their calendar at home and I make a big deal of crossing off each day as it passes. I even put mine up in my calendar area and part of our daily calendar routine is to put a giant "X" on today's date.
They can practice counting, recognizing numerals and just using a calendar....

This month we made a turkey using a coffee filter. This idea is from Shari Sloane {link is here and then click on monthly calendars}

Each child colors a coffee filter with marker {we try to do patterns} and then it is time to blend those colors!
 Would a spray bottle be easier? Yes! Could I find mine when we went to do this project? No!
So thankfully I have a trough sized sink that works well for "water flicking." And can we talk about their love for the whole water experience!
I write the name in the center with a Sharpie so that it doesn't blend with the other colors.

We did the filters earlier in in the week {although they dry super fast} and then on Friday we busted out the whole calendar! Not how I usually do the calendar, but it was the day after Halloween and we just spent out whole morning "calendaring."

I love all the personality that these turkeys have. Seriously....
Ooh and a fun idea {that I didn't do} is to dye some penne pasta red and use that for your waddle.

I know we are three days into this new month but I have provided you with the calendar, the word "November" and the shape for the turkey body or you to do your own.

Just click on the image to download it.

Here it is for 2013:
And here is a little 2014 action:
If you already did a calendar maybe you can make a coffee filter turkey for another November activity!

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