Monday, December 23, 2013

My Thirteen in Thirteen!

Dear 2013, Please don't end! I would like a little more time before 2014 starts!

This has been a good year and although I am sure 2014 has some goodness in store... I want a little more time. I was skeptical of this year with the whole "13" unlucky... but it has been a good one!

I am linking up with Hadar from Miss Kindergarten, Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Traci from Dragonflies in First for their "Thirteen in 13" Linky party.
Starting with an easy one.... good. Work out clothes. I just {heart} buying workout clothes and it was at an all time high in 2013. 

In fact, this is a picture I took a few days ago... I want one of those wristband-y things on the left to hold my iPhone:
Oh wait.... you mean you actually have to put them on and work out for anything to happen? Oh okay... that is a goal then for 2014.

Yikes! I don't think I have a favorite movie of 2013! I will say that there are several that come out on Christmas Day that I am hoping I will love...Walter Mitty, Leo's little Wall Street ditty and well, we will just have to hope one of them fills the bill. 

Otherwise,  I will say that Iron Man 3 was a disappointment. And well, I haven't seen the latest Hunger Games movie yet!

My hubby votes for World War Z... but this isn't his blog!

I may be late to the party. But it was early 2013 that I learned about Downton Abbey. I am so excited it will be back on January 5!
My ramen addiction hit an all time high. My hubby and I LOVE ramen. No, not Top Ramen, although I will eat that too. I am talking about the real deal ramen. I {heart} it and we seem to eat it at least once a week.

I even Instagram about it... holy obsessed!

I have made a few stops to Little Tokyo, but our local ramen hot spot is Shin Sen Gumi!

You should try it.... I especially like Shin Sen because you create your own bowl. You choose how you want the noodles, the broth and indicate which toppings you want. So fun!

Hmm, not sure if this counts... but I am going with washi tape. I am OBSESSED! How did we not have this sooner?
I use it on classroom supplies, presents.... my keys to tell them apart... just about anything I can think of! Please share what you use washi tape on, too!
I have gotten some awesome gifts... especially the last few days from my little ones. Some thoughtful, creative and generous stuff... but I can't pick just one! I can't!!!! 

So.... instead I am changing this to Favorite gift I GAVE... and to be honest, this would fit the question if anyone were to give it to me... just no one has given it to it isn't really cheating.

Birchbox.... have you heard of it?

Well, I got it for my metro hubby who will love it {I hope!}. Good thing he doesn't read my blog or it may ruin the surprise.... wait, does he read it? Guess this is a good test.

Anyway, I got him {and a few other people} a subscription where each month he will get a package of  samples of various things {skin care,  grooming stuff... etc} You get to personalize your Birchbox by filling in your preferences and things like skin type, etc...

A. you get fun mail...always a bonus
B. You find new things you like

How can any person choose one pin? I am going with this recipe by Iowa Girl Eats. It is SUPER easy, not too unhealthy, not too expensive and so yummy. I love Iowa Girl Eats because all her recipes fit this criteria.

{click on the image to get the recipe}
Click HERE to go to Pinterest!

Hmm, I am not sure. I think I am going to go with my one about Teaching Abroad. I liked this one because I got to reminisce about a life I lived long ago..... and more importantly I had some great feedback of inspiring others to just look into the idea of trying it!

Although I have not perfected this in any way... I am happy with the progress I have made in finding balance in my life.

I still need to work on it and definitely my good friend exercise needs a little more time... but overall, I think 2013 was a much more balanced year for me than 2012 or 2011.

Since I will be boring you with pics of the hubby and me in #3 I think my favorite pic would have to be from Vegas in July.
A. I love Vegas.... all the time!
B. It was the kindergarten conference
C. It was the Vegas Blogger Meet Up!!
It was so fun to meet up with so many bloggers... ah-mazing fun!

And you can see more pics from my post about it HERE but I am choosing to share a picture that didn't make it on that initial post... but I hate that a few people I fell in love with aren't featured... go HERE to see them too:
From left to right: That is ME, Kelley from Teacher Idea Factory, Hadar from Miss Kindergarten and Kristin from A Teeny Tiny Teacher!

I spent 29 glorious days in Europe over the summer. The best part was my hubby and I visiting the vineyard we were married in on our 4 year anniversary. But the other 28 days were fan-tabulous too! We visited Spain, Italy, France {where we were married} and England and although none of those countries were new to us, we tried to throw in some new cities!

 Me: Being a true tourist... such a novel idea too..... hey, when in Pisa...

Cinque Terre.... my first time... awesome {my hubby is taking this picture from our balcony...honestly, if you are even considering going there... GO!}

At a wedding in England for my husband's, how Downton, are we? I just told you in #11 about my Downton love...
 Last one.... seriously, I was looking for the Earl of Grantham to appear!
Don't you hate when people go on and on and on and you really don't care that much to see 800 pictures of their vacay? I know... I a little bit almost did that.... caught myself though! {or sorta did}
As mentioned above I have a ton of workout clothes and actually almost bought more today...seriously. My goal {as it has been in previous years!} is to make a commitment to exercise.

Yes, I am one of those people in the gym in January. I know you hate us "New Years Resolution-ers" crowding up the place.... and I know, you just give it a few weeks and we are all gone and things are back to normal. I hope I am still in that gym.

Here I am with my sweet friend Danielle in January 2013.... as usual, off to a good start:

This is hard.... but after a lot of thought I am going with perseverance!
And thank you.... for "persevering" with this long post!

Here's to a happy 2014!


  1. I loved reading this!! Thanks for sharing. I will have to go and link up!!


  2. I hear you on the gym. I try to make through January but all of a sudden meetings and life gets in the way. Your post about teaching aboard inspired me to look into it. I would love to teach aboard. Your trip to Europe looked like a ton of fun. 29 days! I am hoping I can send that much time there soon.

    Ms Richards's Musings

  3. I loved looking at all your pictures on your adventures. It definitely does seem that '13 was a good year for you! I really need to watch Downton Abbey. I have tried several times and fallen asleep right in the beginning. I need to get past the first few minutes and immerse myself completely.
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  4. Love love love!!! I'm so glad we met this year and became such great friends! Can't wait for 2014!!! Love you!!

  5. I adore Downton Abbey too! Christmas special to keep up the fix until the next series! Also read your post on teaching abroad, something very relevant to me at the moment. Thanks for sharing!

    Butterflying Through Teaching

  6. Wait . . . no paper mates!? Or coffee mates?
    You are so much fun -- so glad we met in Vegas!!!!!!!!
    I am dying over all of your Europe pics and I'd love to sit and look at all 800 of them. Let's get together for dinner in the new year --- maybe for some Ramen????

  7. I jumped on the Downton Abbey bandwagon late too...but boy am I glad I did!!!! Can't wait for them to start up again!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  8. I loved this long post! So fun to get to know more about you!

    ABCs and Polkadots
