Saturday, June 1, 2013

Five for Friday

Five for Friday.... on a Saturday! I was so proud of myself to be on time with this post last week. I should've known, it would be short lived. So here we are with another week over and getting closer and closer to summer. Those of you on summer break... don't even talk to me about that- we have 12 more days left. And if you did the math, yes, we end on a Tuesday...don't ask me who made that decision.

Locks for Love and Crazy Hair Day! Yesterday was a BIG day at school! Each year one of the Girl Scouts Troops organizes a very special event. We coordinate with the Locks of Love organization to collect hair to make hair pieces for disadvantaged children with cancer. Is that not the sweetest organization? What is so wonderful is that each year we have more and more little ones participate! Here they are "before" the big cut in front of the whole school.....each holding a baggie to put their donation in. It gets better....a local hair salon comes to the assembly to do the cutting. They just chop off the hair at the assembly, but each cutie is invited to the salon later to polish up their cute new summer bob hair do!

For the rest of the school it is Crazy Hair Day which is also a big hit. Here are some of my kinders enjoying the fun:
This week we also had a luncheon at school to celebrate the volunteers who help us in the classroom. This year was a salad bar theme! Check out these cute posters each class made to decorate for this day! I will blog more about this soon!

 I updated my "Let's Hear it for the Boys" Father's Day Project on TpT to include grandfathers and uncles, too!

I shared this caterpillar freebie.... click {HERE} to see my blog post about it and to download!

Or just click {HERE} to go straight to the downloading!

 I reached 100 Followers on this here blog! YAY! Check back very soon for a giveaway to celebrate!!!


  1. Christy - Your blog is seriously the cutest thing! I am so happy to be your newest follower! Love all your pics.
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

  2. Love your Eric Carle Art! What great painting techniques! We usually just do 1 technique for our Eric Carle! Ill have to try this!

    The Reading Corner

  3. LOVE that cute caterpillar! Thanks so much for the freebie!

    abcs and polkadots

  4. Loved reading your post! How wonderful that so many of the girls participate in Locks for Love--that's amazing! I just found your blog today through the Five for Friday linky and am so glad I did. I am a new follower and will be back to read future posts... BTW-- hose veggies are adorable!

    Sarah @ Hoots N Hollers

  5. The caterpillar is amazing! That was a lot of work! Another cute post!

  6. Congratulations on reaching 100 followers! Isn't it such a great feeling?!

    Ms. Cranfill's Class
