Saturday, June 1, 2013

June Currently

It's June people! June... how did that happen?!
I'm linking up with Farley for this month's Currently. I'm also breaking the blogging rule- you know the ol' one blog post per day. Don't tell the blog police!

I am listening to...and editing...the music for our class play. Yes, some of you are frolicking on the beach and I still have a production of the Little Red Hen to put on! Do I sound bitter? I'm not, maybe just a bit jealous! (I keep telling myself to think about Labor Day when I am still off!) Anyway, this play is my favorite and although I'm stressed the kids won't be ready by June 14th... they are so stinking cute, the audience will love it, whatever they do!

I think I just covered that one above... yes, loving that I have only 12 days! But as always, it is bitter sweet to let the little ones go!

Um, how did I get to have the longest to-do list EVER for this summer?! Not only do I want to travel, not only is my sister getting married, but I have about 8 billion other things that I want to achieve. Funny enough, I am starting to get stressed about summer...something is wrong with that picture!

I've been seeing so many cute dresses and shorts and all kinds of things online, on other people, on Instagram...and well, I need some new-ness in my closet!!
Sidenote...are you Instagram? If not join the party! Instagram @crayonsandwhimsy

My hubby and I want to go BIG this summer! He is a grad student at USC {Go Trojans!} and this is his last summer off with me!
And so far the only summer plan I have made (besides a to-do list as long as Santa's Naughty and Nice list) is a hotel rezzy for my sister's wedding. That is it! I have been on Kayak daily though. Just to let you know how I operate...last summer I booked tickets to Maui with 48 hours notice. Then it was find a place, get a rental car and GO! I have a feeling we will have a similar situation for 2013!

3 Vacay Essentials
Sunscreen because I want to go somewhere HOT! Books because it seems to be the only time I get a considerable amount of reading done and a camera of course!

If you have any good book suggestions please share!

That's it!


  1. Hi Christy!! I found your blog on Farley's Currently. I love your blog design!! Hope you have a great summer!!

    Crayonbox Learning

  2. Just found your darling blog. I love your needing a summer wardrobe because I am right there with you!! I can also relate to what you are thinking...I just got on summer vacation and my to do list is way toooooooo long!!

  3. Oh my do you plan a vacation that last minute??? I would DIE! I always like to plan ours during the Christmas holiday!

    For the Love of First Grade
