Saturday, October 19, 2013

Five for Friday.... on Saturday!

Well hello there Five for Friday.... I haven't participated in a while and although it may be Saturday... I am happy to post and play along!

1. I just finished my Riddle Me This book for October. I used in my class this last week and the kids loved the challenge of figuring out the riddle! Little did they know we were also working on our sight word "am" and rhyming words and just literacy in general... but shhh! life is good when they think it is all fun and games!

I'm going to post more about this soon..... but here's one little picture for now:

2. I was in Europe over the summer and had picked up some goodies for a giveaway! Yes, I am thinking of all of you on vacation :) Not sure how it is already October and I still have all this fun stuff.... but I am hosting the giveaway NOW.... click {here} to enter!! You will receive a free copy of  Riddle Me This that you just saw above as well as all of this:

What is that you see? Some jungle alphabet stamps, an adorable French placemat that reads "When I grow up I want to be a teacher." and the mustache stamps that I so love and want to keep!

3. This happened:
Um, that is a child in my classroom..the one on the ground!

Let me explain- every fall my school holds an Olympic Games as our fundraiser. The students are sponsored to participate in various events. Apparently, this year we added skateboarding and one young lady, who we will call "Dare Devil" volunteered to be jumped over. Luckily I wasn't there... I was with a different group of students doing a much safer boring activity like the long jump.

Anyway, all is okay and maybe I am overreacting, but it made me nervous when I saw this clip for the first time.

On a happier note - this is the Olympics flag my class had {the theme this year was Reach for the Stars} And please don't think I made such a beautiful and creative flag... oh no, I had a very talented volunteer help me out.

4. I am excited that my kindergarten team and I chose our Halloween costumes for this year! I will share more about this soon.

To give you some history, at our school we have a big Halloween Parade and I {heart} it! I know many schools can't/don't celebrate Halloween anymore and I am happy we do! The pressure is that each grade level is supposed to get dressed up as a team. It is so much fun...but the pressure is on! It needs to be something the kids like, not too expensive and something you can still teach and move around in......

Plus we need some song that we parade to that matches the costumes....

Soooo Last year we did Zero the Hero! This is me {on the right} and my sweet pregnant coworker. It was a kid favorite!

We just chose what we will be this year.... but I can't tell you yet :)

5. Last night I enjoyed this sunset with my hubby! We have had beautiful, HOT weather lately and although this picture didn't come out that well, it was such a nice sunset. So this is what I was doing when I should have been getting my Five for Friday done....hence the Saturday post.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


  1. Happy Weekend! Found you through Doodle Bugs link up! Love your Halloween riddle book! Such a cute idea! Hailey from Autism Tank

  2. Loving those costumes from last year and I'm dying to know what you'll be this year!!!

  3. Just found your blog, and I am your newest follower! Can't wait to read more! :)

    Miss Woodward's Class

  4. Love your costumes! Interested to see what you will be this year. Also I love the Olympic idea. That flag looks awesome!!

    Apples and Papers
