February Calendar

T-minus 3 days until February! How did that happen?

Each month I make a calendar with my kiddos. It is a great way to kick off the new month and to practice math concepts in the common core...numbers 1-30 (or in this case 1-28), calendar concepts...and I like to throw in a little patterning!

This month is one of my favorites because it is all about love. We learn how to say, "I love you" in many languages, including sign language.

We'll be making a circle map with "I love you" in the center and then all the ways to say I love you around the edge. I like to have my little ones go home and ask their families if they know any other languages and we get to learn more about the cultures and families in our room. It can also be a great way for my little second language friends to be the leader.

Here is a close up picture of what the finished products will look like.
(It's not as fun when you see my sample...but my little friends haven't made theirs yet!)
2 versions.... just to mix things up a bit!

I just posted the this fun craftivity on Teachers Pay Teachers. Check it out by clicking on it below.

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